antelopes and jeep in maasai mara game reserve in kenya

Despite recent flooding in the Maasai Mara, tourism stakeholders in Kenya have assured visitors that it remains a premier safari destination for the upcoming high season, as the region seeks to rebuild from devastating floods that have severely impacted tourist infrastructure and communities.

The three main waterways in the reserve – the Mara, Talek and Sand Rivers – all experienced an unprecedented rise in water levels recently after days of heavy rainfall, leading to the displacement and destruction of camps and lodges.

Mara Managers Association Chairperson Harison Nampaso recently said in a press statement that, “Camps and lodges situated near the Mara River, Talek River, and Sand River have borne the brunt of the flooding, with reports of severe damage to pro­perty and infrastructure. Many establishments have been partially or fully submerged, leading to disruptions in tourism activities and accommodations.”

Main access bridges including the Talek Gate Bridge, the Mara Simba Bridge and the Mara Rianta Bridge were also severely damaged, with ‘immediate reconstruction’ needed to restore full access to the reserve.

Nampaso confirmed that no human casualties had been reported in the reserve, with all tourists (numbering around 100) being safely evacuated from the affected camps and lodges.

A spokesperson for JW Marriott Masai Mara, one of the lodges most seriously affected, said staff had rapidly responded to evacuate guests from the flood waters.

“Our team acted quickly to get all our guests to safety, looking after them in very challenging circumstances. We arranged for evacuation flights away from the rising waters and found alternative accommodations to make them as comfortable as possible. Like all impacted properties in the area, we will have to assess the damage by these unusually heavy rains, and will reopen for business as soon as we are able.”

Nampaso said the circulation of various reports regarding wildlife casualties were currently unverified.

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