In a groundbreaking revelation, Zanzibar has unveiled ambitious plans to introduce East Africa’s inaugural seven-star hotel, as disclosed by Sharif Ali Sharif, the executive director of Zanzibar Investment Authority (ZIPA), during a ceremony at a resort in North Unguja on Saturday, January 6th, according to a report by Tanzanian newspaper The Citizen.
Highlighting the island’s commitment to elevating its hospitality offerings, Sharif Ali Sharif expressed excitement about the forthcoming establishment of the seven-star hotel on Pemba Island. He lauded President Hussein Mwinyi for his visionary leadership in spearheading this remarkable initiative, marking a significant milestone for luxury accommodations in the region.
During the ceremony, Sharif Ali Sharif also revealed additional strategic developments, including the construction of a 2500-capacity convention center in the Fumba Free Economic Zone and the establishment of several stadiums, with renowned athletes joining as stakeholders.
ZIPA’s data indicates a remarkable track record over the past three years, contributing to the creation of 17,000 jobs through an investment portfolio encompassing 296 projects valued at $4.5 billion. Notably, 112 of these projects are concentrated in the country’s thriving tourism sector.
Hussein Muzamir, the investor behind the Montuli project, expressed unwavering confidence in Zanzibar’s tourism potential, citing the island’s attractive policies and enabling environment as key factors that led to an investment in the venture. Upon completion, the Montuli project is expected to generate 200 jobs, further contributing to the island’s economic growth.
Zanzibar’s bold steps in hospitality and tourism development underscore its commitment to becoming a premier destination, offering unparalleled luxury experiences. As the island continues to unveil transformative projects, it solidifies its position as a key player in East Africa’s evolving tourism landscape.